How to design a customer satisfaction survey

Upasana | June 20, 2019 | 1 min read | 30 views

Answer :

Designing a customer satisfaction survey mostly relies on the business domain. The other point it could depends on how and when do we want feedback from customer. As satisfaction survey usually comprises of feedback from customer’s side after they have used service or bought product.

  1. Firstly, we need to check if customer have used some service or have bought product

  2. Based on the chosen point above, we can ask question from customer.

I will explain it with an example. Let’s say there is a company which is involved in product and services both.

  1. They shall ask for feedback after customer have bought the product.

  2. They shall ask for feedback after customer have bought their service to know how was their experience in choosing one of many services.

  3. They shall ask for feedback after customer have used the service to know how was their experience for that service.

  4. They shall ask for feedback abou the th employees who helped them while customer was using their service.

  5. They shall always ask for feedback after customer have had talk with product support.

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