Integrating PayUmoney with your Java Server Side

Upasana | July 16, 2018 | 2 min read | 979 views | Payumoney Integration

PayUmoney can be easily integrated with Java Powered Websites, here in this article we will go through the integration steps and code walk through.

Typical Online Payment workflow for PayUmoney

  1. Customer selects a product or service to purchase from your website.

  2. Server Calculates the one way secure hash for the selected transaction details. Hashing mechanism and key/secret are provided by PayUmoney

  3. Transaction details and hash are set on the HTML form on the client browser and submitted to PayUmoney server

  4. PayUmoney server displays the checkout screen. Customer chooses payment mode and initiates the transaction. Customer is redirected to Banks website where customer enters the security details

  5. Bank sends the transaction response to PayUmoney.

  6. PayUmoney processes the response and calls the success/failure URL on your website accordingly. Web-hooks are also called which helps when customer presses back button on refresh button.

  7. Your server verifies the transaction by recalculating the response hash using its secret key.

  8. Your website displays appropriate response to the customer.

Best Practices to Ensure Transaction Integrity

Use SSL Certificate

Always use HTTPS protocol for interaction with payment gateways so that man in the middle can not interpret the data.

Assign Unique Trx Attempt Reference

Assign and store a new unique transaction reference id for each attempt of payment. This ensures that all the attempts for a given order are captured well. This unique transaction reference number could be order id + timestamp of attempt.

Use webhooks

Use webhooks to enable server to server communication for transaction success, failures and refunds. This ensures that any accidental page refresh/back button by customer does not cause payment loss. Webhooks makes your system resilent to payment failures.

Always match response hash

Always match the response hash with calculated hash, to ensure that responses are not mocked up. This is valid for webhooks as well as website response handling.

Check field values in the Response with Request

Always check that the order number, order amount etc. matches in request and response. This will ensure that the data was not tempered.

Store IP address of customer

For each payment attempt, store the IP address of machine from where this request was originated.

Store access code and secret key securely

Ideally only few people in the orgnaziaion should have access to this code. If secret is stolen, it should be changed. If someone got access to your keys, your payment responses and webhook responses can be tempered.

More details to be added later on

You can contact me for PayUmoney Integration with your java back-end (Spring, Struts, Servlets/JSP, etc).

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